One of the first things you are told when you start your blog is to start building your email list. For a new blogger, this can sometimes equate to being told to solve Einstein’s theory of relativity.
Your mind is already full of blog content ideas and other to-dos, who has time to think about how to put together an email opt-in for your new blog?
I get this question all the time from bloggers so I figured I would put together a nice lil diagram for your use.
How nice of me, right?
What You Will Discover
So, in this post, you’ll learn how the Mailchimp email opt-in process works, in one sweet little diagram you can print off and stick on your wall.
A little background…in my day job I fulfill the role as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for a government consulting firm and in my past, I’ve worked as a Solutions Architect and a software developer.
I tell you this to show you that I like to draw pictures of computer systems. It’s what I do. I don’t know, maybe that makes me weird. But, I really like to dissect and document how things work.
Why You Need to Setup Your Email Opt-in
The true value of your community is often measured in the quality of your email list.
When someone signs up for your email list, they are in effect saying, “Here. Send me stuff…directly to my inbox!”
This is incredibly valuable because you no longer have to worry about people finding your website or visiting your blog as part of their daily internet activity.
You are now pushing value to them directly. It’s a win-win for you and your reader.
Most bloggers you talk to will tell you they wished they had started their email list much earlier in the process.
Don’t be like those living a life of list regret, start yours today and start forming a closer relationship with those that have invited you into their world.
Up Your Giveaway Game to Get People on Your List
Here’s the thing, you need to give away something awesome in order for someone to sign up. That’s just how it works.
The standard giveaway these days is an eBook. You can quickly create a word document, save it as a PDF, and use it with Mailchimp to distribute as a freebie for those that just signed up.
So, don’t get discouraged that you don’t know how to create a free giveaway. It’s really not that hard. In fact, maybe I’ll make another post to discuss this process…hmmmmm.
With all of that said, it’s becoming harder and harder to woo potential visitors to email lists.
People are tired of getting email all of the time and they will be a little apprehensive to sign up for yet another list.
Given everyone is giving away free eBooks these days, you should look to up your game and offer something more valuable than the average blogging schmoe.
This might be a free email course on a particular topic for your audience or maybe access to a resource library on your site.
As of this writing I’m giving away a free tool resource guide. While it is an eBook, it is a huge piece of content that provides tremendous value.
Whatever you decide to giveaway, make it as epic as you can.
Don’t feel like you should hold back the goodies since it’s free. Instead, give away your best stuff to show people you want to provide true value to them.
Why Use Mailchimp for Your Email Opt-in
I love Mailchimp. If you are a new blogger, or even a seasoned vet, it works perfectly.
Perhaps the best feature is it’s FREE! Oh hells yes!
As struggling bloggers, we love to use free tools, especially those that work well.
Of course, there is paid functionality upgrades with Mailchimp, as is the case with all software on the internet, but you can easily start out and get up and running with just the basics.
How the Mailchimp Email Opt-in Sequence Works
As I mentioned earlier, I love the power of visual content. I’ve always been a visual learner so seeing a one page diagram speaks volumes.
In the diagram below, I’ve laid out the various components in the system as well as the steps taken.
If you need a bigger view, simply click on the image.
Let’s talk a little bit about the steps to get this done.
Step 1 – Email Address Provided
This is the point where someone is on your blog and they decide to sign up for your free giveaway. There are numerous options for how you collect the email.
It could be in your sidebar, within the content itself, or via third party tools and widgets such as from LeadPages.
You can also collect First Name and/or Last Name of the user but sometimes it’s easier, and more appealing, for them to simply enter the email address and that’s it.
Step 2 – Email Address Sent to Email Provider
This is where your blog, or third party widget, is wired to send the email address entered along to Mailchimp.
This integration is typically very easy so don’t worry about having to write code.
Step 3 – User Created But Not a Subscriber Yet
This is what’s known as the double opt-in.
You’ll hear this term a lot in online business circles. It basically means the user needs to confirm they want your giveaway prior to being officially on your list and getting it.
It’s meant to weed out those that may be fake or aren’t truly interested in going the extra step to confirm.
Some people like the double opt-in, some don’t.
Personally, I like the double opt-in because it means the list I have at the end of the day is full of individuals that really want to be a part of something.
Step 4 – Email Sent Asking User to Confirm Signup
This is the email that is sent to the user to get them to confirm their true intent to signup.
Within Mailchimp you can customize the look and feel of this email and edit the content to your liking. They make it super easy and everything is automated when emails come in from Step 2.
They make it super easy and everything is automated when emails come in from Step 2.
Step 5 – User Clicks “Confirm” Button
Ahhhhh, this is the moment your visitor becomes your true friend.
They have officially said “yes” to you.
Within the email tempate from Mailchimp is a button for them to click on that will confirm their membership. It also triggers the next event in the process.
Step 6 – User is Now a Subscriber!
Mailchimp updates its records to show the user has not confirmed their membership. Woo hoo!
Do a happy dance!
Step 7 – User is Redirected to a Welcome Page With a Link to Download Your Free Giveaway
Ok, before you get too happy, remember your end of the bargain.
They sign up. You provide a free (awesome) giveaway.
Mailchimp offers an email template for this step as well. Simply edit it to your liking, add the link to your downloadable file and you are golden.
The user will see a website pop up that informs them that they have confirmed their membership and offers a button to download your giveaway.
Step 8 – Free Giveaway Sent to User
This is the end of the Mailchimp email opt-in process.
Your goodies are given to the user and everyone lives happily ever after.
Wrapping it Up
You need an email list and you need it as soon as possible.
Use the diagram above as a reference point and start to get yours stood up pronto!
If you have any questions on the pieces or need something else explained, simply reach out and we can do this!
If you want to integrate with LeadPages, check out this post that provides a diagram for how to set it all up.