Are you looking for a daily kick in the ass to move your blog or online business forward?
Well, here’s a little something you probably need right about now.
A Badass Conference You Should Ultimately Attend
As you may or may not know, the Social Media Marketing World (SMMW) conference is currently underway in San Diego, CA. This conference is one of the largest conferences for social media experts, bloggers, marketers, podcasters, and basically anyone else playing in the online (and offline) business space.
I think this conference is growing so large due to the fact that New Media Expo seems to have disappeared in the middle of the night. People are looking for a major event to attend so they can grow personally and professionally.
This conference might be your answer.
Most of your typical online celebrities are in attendance this year including Chris Brogan, Pat Flynn, Cliff Ravenscraft, Chris Ducker, Amy Porterfield, etc. etc. etc.
In addition to those great minds, Gary Vaynerchuk is also in town. I know this because he popped up in my Facebook feed about 48 times in people’s photos yesterday. Everyone wants a pic with Gary V at a conference!
But Here’s the Real Value
But the conference is damn expensive and is really cost prohibitive for a lot of us struggling entrepreneurs. Especially those working a side hustle.
But, that doesn’t mean you can’t still gain tremendous insight and value from those in attendance.
Case in point, as I was scrolling down my Facebook feed, I also came across a video Gary V. streamed over Facebook Live from his hotel in San Diego.
This video, while rather long at nearly 30 minutes, is well worth the watch…multiple times.
Gary never fails when it comes to motivation and inspiration. Given his unique ability to tell it like it is, with abounding passion, you’re in for a treat by settling in to watch.
So, instead of spending 30 minutes watching your daily episode of Access Hollywood, do me a favor, watch this video and start to take real action.
Epic Facebook Live RantI did this live yesterday and blacked out and went into one of my all time epic rants starting at 9:40, hope you enjoy it… Q&A about #SocialMedia #Business #Entrepreneurship and more while in a San Diego hotel room
Posted by Gary Vaynerchuk on Monday, April 18, 2016
Don’t Want to Watch the Video?
You can jump to the 10:00 mark and hear the rant. It’s the juiciest part.
If you don’t have time to watch the video, here are 7 hard-hitting truths you can at least take away from my viewing.
1. “It takes time, like, fuck man”
It takes time to build a business, be it online or brick and mortar. Too many people are seeing the success and not realizing the struggle and pain people put in to reach that point.
The overnight sensation is a fraud and something some guru is trying to sell you to achieve their overnight success.
Don’t buy into the hype when it comes to building your business. It’s going to kick your ass and have you questioning your sanity.
If it’s your passion, it makes it tolerable and many times enjoyable, regardless of the many bumps along the way.
Stop trying to be the next Pat Flynn. Stop trying to start a podcast “on fire”.
Start to do what matters to you and those in your community.
2. “There are a million social media experts….not all of them are making millions”
Isn’t this the truth?! Every time you turn around you run into another “expert” and most of them are touting their last 6-figure launch or the $30,000 they pulled in last month.
The bitter truth is, most people pursuing an online business are not making significant money. Even worse, many of those spouting off about their riches aren’t making all that much.
Sure there are extreme success stories out there. Some of you may actually achieve it. That is the allure. That is what keeps you coming back for more.
It’s important you put it all in perspective though. Most people aren’t making money. You aren’t the only one struggling to make money online.
The sooner you realize and accept reality, the better off you’ll be in setting priorities and truly moving your business forward for the long haul.
3. “You’re only as good as your last at bat”
Internet success can be short lived. What works today may not work tomorrow.
You have to have the ability to not only adapt, but to succeed along the way.
Growth can only continue if you continue to push new and valuable content that meets the needs of your audience.
What you built today can be dropped like a bad habit if you choose the wrong path or go off message with your community.
As long as you are genuine, and constantly seek to provide real value to those that engage with you, you’ll be just fine.
4. “Fucking pondering is straight up squandering”
Too many people put off things today, and tomorrow’s success never comes.
I can attest to this due to the fact I have an entire Evernote folder filled to the brim with ideas and concepts to act on.
But you know what? I haven’t. I’m sure you are the same way. You come up with ideas and things to do all the time. It’s just the execution of those ideas that falters.
Even worse, some people spend way too much time planning action rather than taking it. Gary V’s message here is right on point.
Shit or get off the pot. It’s time to take action and stop talking about it.
5. “Enough reading, start doing shit”
This is somewhat related to the last item but at a different level.
Whereas number 4 talks to personal planning and “thinking” about what you might do, this one deals with the sheer amount of information you consume to get you “ready” to take action.
Stop listening to podcasts all the time. Stop reading every book that comes out. Stop watching tutorials and videos into the wee hours of the night.
Start taking action. Start doing shit. Don’t talk about it, be about it.
6. “I’m not a 22-year-old life coach trying to get $1000 a month from you…spewing you bullshit”
Love this one just for the mere fact there are too many damn life coaches out there.
Ok, sure, life coaches provide value but there just seems to be way too many that don’t have the life experience necessary to teach others about…life.
Make sure you investigate anyone who claims to be able to guide you and show you the promised land. You might be surprised by their own career, or even life, deficiencies.
7. “Value is listening….and giving it to them”
And last but definitely not least, listen.
Listen to what your audience wants. Listen to their pain points. Listen to what might help them solve a problem.
Stop running into your basement and locking the door so no one steals your next big thing.
Engage with your community, listen to what they say and learn from it. Then, take action and make their situation better.
What is Your Take?
What do you think about the video? Do you have the same takeaways that I have? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Fuckin’ Gary V. Gotta love his passion and his grind.