Your Blog. Refined.
here’s the latest…
- 8 Strange (Maybe Shocking) Places to Find Blog Inspiration
- Erasing Your Blogging Goals and Starting Over
- The 2 Biggest Platforms and Tools for Busy Bloggers in 2017
- Optimize Your Blog Marketing and Stop Wasting Time
- The Problem With Your Blog is Bigger Than You Think
- A Simple Way to Plan an Entire Year of Blogging
- Why Your Long-Term Goals are Worthless

Jared Easley
Co-Founder/Co-Organizer - Podcast Movement
"I love Jeff like a fat kid loves cake! Jeff not only provides sound advice and functional tips for blogging but does so from the perspective of a busy parent with a full-time career. His approach is proven, repeatable, and easy-to-understand."

Mike Vardy
Founder and Owner -
"Jeff consistently offers practical and tactical solutions to help bloggers level up their game."